Tuesday 24 November 2009

Discredited TV Doctor: Another Scandal?

by Kieron McFadden

Health watchdog website uncovers alleged links to Big Pharma. Was there a vested interest in persuading millions to take flu jab?

As discussed more fully in a forthcoming article. the RealAge website sends visitors who answer its questionnaire a series of e-mail messages about a condition they might have. The site is sponsored by drugs companies and such messages usually benefit one or more sponsors who are touting a drug remedy for that condition.

Ads for RealAge appear all over the internet but do not openly disclose that taking their online test gets you signed up to be solicited by Big Pharma.

Moreover this online “service” has received continued promotion by a TV doctor by the name of Mehmet Oz and the good doctor may well have - inadvertently I am sure - exposed tens of millions of health consumers to this deceptive marketing front for the psycho-pharmacy. Exactly how much Dr Oz has earned from his association with RealAge is not known.

However Dr Oz is already the subject of a storm of controversy over his ardent promotion of swine flu vaccines. He has been using his high TV profile to reinforce popular fear over the swine flu and urging viewers to get vaccinated.

But the excellent website Natural News.com announces that it has recently uncovered the fact that Dr Oz withheld from his viewing audience something that they have a right to know: that he holds 150,000 option shares in a vaccine company.

As the stock rises he allegedly stands to earn millions of dollars in profits. Of course one thing that will help the shares of companies involved with vaccines to rise, is a flu scare and the urgings of TV doctors and other influential persons to get vaccinated. As the NaturalNews website put it: “… to hype up vaccines and get more people taking them so that his own financial investments rise in value.

Natural News also points out that Dr Oz “ isn't merely a holder of SIGA [the vaccine company concerned] stock options, by the way: He's on the Board of Directors! As SIGA's own website explains, Dr. Oz has served on the board since 2001 and continues his role there today.

If true, it is certainly strange how the doctor neglected to mention either of these considerable personal vested interests and throws into question his ability to be entirely objective and impartial in reassuring the public that flu jabs are safe and that everyone should take them.

Dr Oz’s career as a “TV Doctor” was greatly assisted by Oprah and her show and I can only imagine that she will be horrified when she discovers she may have helped a man who has been less than forthcoming with her audience and enabled him to exercise an influence that will sell more drugs to unsuspecting consumers.

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